Happy? Tuesday

>Why Tuesday is happy?
Because,I have no class on Tuesday.

I'm free.
Next day I will have a test...BUT, I DON'T CARE!! I DON'T CARE!!
Well, that's all. I had enough sleep,got up 12:00 and I went to a dentist and part time work.

dentist―I have to get my wisdom tooth removed.
but now I have no time because in TEST season. (I cannot ignore it, however.....................
That's why, now I'm only relying on medication.

work place―I went to work place to submit my Feb work-schedule.
I thought I'll work hard.
What's more in February is...removing wisdom tooth,too late new year party,my (and friend's) birth day,etc...
there are some uncertain things.
So,I cannot work hard.

after that, I thought to back home.
BUT...I am arrested.

I've been caught by acquaintance.
>Oh my god!! in Starbucks by unknown non-Japanese woman/
yes, me too...
She say 「I'm bored!! My boyfriend don't finish work!!」
What's the bottom line?

......I was detained for 3 hour.
In return, she promised to give me a birthday presents.
but...I want more time, now.

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